The Parish office is located on the top floor of 66 Woongarra Street Bundaberg just up from Holy Rosary Church.
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Office

PO Box 79 Bundaberg Qld 4670
Ph: (07) 4151 6666
Fax: (07) 4153 3102
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Weekdays
Library: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Weekdays (located in Parish Office)
Bookstore: 9:00am – 1:00pm Weekdays (located in Parish Office)
Parish Pastoral Team
Fr Don White (Parish Priest)
Fr Sijo George (Associate Pastor)
Bro Ted Magee (Executive Officer & Stewardship Co-ordinator)
Pauline Leahy (Liturgy, Sacramental & RCIA Co-ordinator)
Jan Aplin (Parish Safeguarding Representative & Bereavement Co-ordinator)
Jeffrey Caluag Finance, Marketing, Property Officer)
Sandra Fox (Parish Receptionist)
All members of the Pastoral team can be contacted through the Parish office.
Enquiry Form
Live stream and Online Mass
Our Faith – Daily Readings and Reflections
- Prayers
- Pray as you can
- Universalis Australia
- Catholic Daily Reflections
- Novena to St Joseph the Worker for Vocations
- Word of the Day (Vatican)
- Prayers in Time of Pandemic
- A Faith Response to Covid-19
- St Paul Center – The Quarantined Catholic Hub
- Pope Francis at Urbi et Orbi: Full text of his meditation
- Virtual Triduum 2021
- Social Justice Statement 2020-2021