Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist
In the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg, parents prepare their children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist with the assistance and support of the parish Sacramental Team, the Catholic Schools, and the parish community.
Who may prepare?
Usually children who are eight years or older and who are baptised in the Catholic faith may prepare for the sacraments. We offer a program of preparation for primary school children wishing to prepare for all, or any, of these three sacraments.
Secondary school students prepare together in a separate group.
How does it happen?
Our preparation program for the sacraments is designed to fit into busy family lifestyles as much as possible, however, it is important for families to acknowledge the necessity of attending the preparation sessions.
A number of parent sessions, parent/child sessions, and rituals are scheduled during the period of preparation. The program begins with a Parent Information session and interviews, usually at the start of Term 4.
The Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) is celebrated during the season of Lent, prior to Easter. The program concludes with the celebrations of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the Easter season of the year following commencement of preparations.
Sunday Mass is pivotal to the preparation of children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. Families are expected to attend Sunday Mass throughout the period of preparation to develop the child’s relationship with God and the Church.
Liturgy of the Word for Children is offered at every Mass throughout the year, except from Christmas to the beginning of the new school year and on certain major feasts or celebrations. Liturgy of the Word for Children allows young children, from prep to sacramental age, to listen to and respond to the Sunday readings at their level. It is expected that all children preparing for the sacraments will attend Children’s Liturgy.
A small fee is requested for resources used throughout the preparation period.
If your child is not Baptised?
Children 8 yrs or older who are not baptised but wish to prepare for the sacraments of reconciliation, confirmation and eucharist follow a different program. Contact Pauline Leahy, Sacramental Co-ordinator, on 4151 6666.
Secondary Students’ Sacramental Preparation
Secondary school students who wish to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist follow a process similar to that of younger students.
Older students are guided by their parents, peers, and the Sacramental Team through the process of preparation.
For more information
Contact Pauline Leahy, Sacramental Co-ordinator, (07) 4151 6666.