
Celebrating a Catholic marriage

Jesus had a wonderful vision for marriage:

Two people so perfectly united in love,
That they would no longer be two, but one.
Two people so perfectly united in love,
That they could live life to the full.
Two people so perfectly united in love,
That their joy would be complete.

The Church wants your marriage to be all that Jesus wants for you, and that you would want for yourselves.

That’s why marriage preparation is important.

The sad reality is that many marriages fail. Failure comes at a high cost personally and perhaps financially.

It is the hope of the church community to help couples avoid this heartache and so the Catholic church now insists that every couple preparing for Christian marriage does pre-marriage education

For frequently asked questions about Marriage in the Catholic Church, click on – Marriage in the Catholic Church – FAQ

The preparation

Marriage is a very important Sacrament for both the couple and their family.

As a couple you will learn to discuss important aspects of your relationship and your mutual relationship with Christ. You will identify problems that you may encounter on your journey together and prioritise what is important. These important things have little to do with bank balances, property, and certainly not with ‘marriage agreements’.

Notice and documents required

The minimum period of notice required of a couple’s intention to marry is six months. However, ideally couples should give twelve months’ notice to the celebrant, and to the Church.

You will also need to provide:

  • Birth certificates (full or extracts)
  • Baptismal certificates from the church where you were baptised. (If this is not possible, e.g. the Registers have been burned in a Church fire, a signed letter from a parent or adult who can verify your baptism will suffice.)

Get Started

Please contact the Parish Office via telephone no. (07) 4151 6666 or email [email protected] to make an appointment to begin preparations for marriage. At this time, you can make a tentative booking of the Church and ask about costs involved.